Wednesday, October 26, 2011

And, we're back.....

Last week was crazy. A good kind of crazy, but definitely crazy. The "Free Yard Sale" was awesome. We had more stuff donated than we could even give away. We helped at least 580 people this weekend. It was an awesome thing. We were so blessed to just be a part of it. There were people coming to the yard sale to get things they needed that also brought things to give that they didn't need anymore. There was a man who got a toddler size car seat for his child. He took it home and came back a little while later carrying an infant seat. His child didn't need it now that they had a toddler seat. It was amazing to see the people who we consider "needy" to be giving back. Paying it forward. During Sunday's service, people were given the opportunity to share stories from the day and we heard story after story like this. I love that we're a part of a church that is actually being the church.

After a long weekend, we took the kids to Hill High Farm on Monday. They have tons of pumpkins, farm animals to see and pet and lots of fun things for little kids. It was Kate's second year visiting there. It was a bit chilly, but we had a blast. I love making memories like that. We don't take the time to do things like that often enough. Pictures below....

And, the to-do list of the week. Last week's was basically to survive. This week's?

1) Potty training (so far, so good!)
2) Work on music for the Christmas Eve service (this is possible because a friend blessed us with a keyboard on Sunday!)
3) Post a few things on craigslist.
4) Keep the kitchen clean
5) Read to the kids everyday
6) Mop the floors (like, hands and knees mop. Not swiffer mop.)
7) Laundry. Do one complete load per day.
8) Finish putting away the too small/out of season clothing. (They're out and sorted, just need put away)
9) Deep clean the fridge

--I'm sure I'll find more to add, but that's good for now!

Hope your week's are going well!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The official two month post

Jackson has been two months old for 12 days now. How did that happen? We had his two month checkup on Tuesday. His stats were 13lbs 10oz, 24 1/2 inches long, head circumference of almost 17 1/2 inches. We were there a week ago for a sick appointment and he weighed 13lbs 11 oz. The doctor said she thought the scales weren't reading accurately, so who knows what he really weighs. He was also measured at a 1/4 inch longer a month ago. It's hard to get an accurate height for a baby. Anyhow...

He's doing great. He's super strong. He smiles constantly. He giggles. He loves watching Kate play. He's a great sleeper. (Currently sleeping between 6-8 hours during the first stretch of the night and then going back to sleep for 3-5 hours). He's starting to "talk." He's a keeper!

He also got his first round of vaccines. That was good fun. They never really bothered Kate, but he slept almost the entire rest of the day and was super fussy. I know his legs were hurting, because he'd cry every time you touched them. It was sad. He seems to be doing better today, thankfully.

In other news, there won't be a to-do list this week. Our church is doing it's second "Free Yard Sale" this weekend. We collect tons of stuff and have a huge giveaway at the community center in the poorest area of Winchester. Last year we had tons of stuff and were able to help over 600 people. We spend the entire week before, though, sorting through the donations and organizing at the church. Tomorrow we'll load up trucks and trailers and move it all do the community center. It's an awesome outreach event. But, no list this week. I've barely been home.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Are you one of those moms? (You know the kind I'm talking about!)

Are you one of those moms who is sweet, understanding and always seems to be overly patient with her children. Do you look like the picture of grace? Was Proverbs 31 written about you? If you are, tell the rest of us how you do it! Just kidding. I tend to think that people that seem that patient and sweet in public are probably hiding their true mommy style. At least, I hope they're not as perfect as they seem.

I try to be sweet, patient and understanding, but I'm not going to lie. My mommy style is being challenged. Kate is in one of those phases that you hope to forget about. One that you hope never repeats itself. She's obstinate, selfish, hard-headed. She's hit Kraig and I both a few times in the last couple weeks. Our sweet little girl is, well, not so sweet. I know she's two. I know it's a phase. I know it won't last forever. But I'm having a very hard time being patient and disciplining in a way that's effective. There are times when the only discipline that comes to mind involves me banging my head into a wall. Not effective for anyone.

Seriously, though, I find myself yelling far too often. I'm working on it. I broke down and cried on the phone with my mom on Tuesday and it helped. She made it through it, and so can I. (I was never like Kate, of course, but my sister...) It made me realize, though, that I haven't prayed about it. So I started. I've prayed many times everyday for God to help me be the mommy that I'm supposed to be. To be gentle and understanding. To discipline with love. And it's helping. Is Kate being any better? Not necessarily, but I'm handling it better. I've also realized that she needs more one on one attention and more structure activities. She's still a great independent player, but she needs some direction. I'm still not perfect, and I don't have things figured out. But asking God for some intervention should have come to mind a little sooner. He's definitely helping!

So, what's your mommy style? I'm not one of those that I earlier described, but I definitely don't want to be the other mom you see out. The one that's harried, frazzled and is constantly screaming and belittling her children for the whole world to see. I hate to see what that mom's like without an audience! God has called us to be better than that for our kids. I can only pray that God will help me be the kind of mom He wants me to be. I definitely can't do it on my own!

And on that note, Happy Birthday to my Mom:) Thanks for leading by example and being a wonderful mom! Love you!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bye, bye paci!

I've been meaning to blog about the pacifier-free Kate for a while, but I've completely forgotten until now!

Picture this: Three weeks ago. It's bedtime. I'm nursing Jack. Kraig takes Kate up to bed. Suddenly, it becomes quite obvious that Kate can't find her paci. Kraig searched and searched. Jack finished eating, so I searched and searched. Regardless of the efforts, no pacifier was found. Kate was not a happy camper, but eventually she fell asleep. That was the end.

Naps the first few days were difficult, but she's quite used to it now. Since then we've come across two pacifiers. She found one and was overjoyed. It was immediately in her mouth, but I made her give it up. They're both in the landfill. Haven't found anymore.

I thought for sure giving up the pacifier would be the death of me. But she did it. I'm mortified that it took so long. I was the mom-to-be who swore I'd never give my kid one. But that didn't happen. Finally, at nearly 27 months, she gave it up. (Or it gave itself up.)

Next battle: Potty training. Maybe that'll happen by accident, too?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Yeah, baby. We've got it.

The common cold. It's always such a joy when this time of the year comes around, and I get a cold. It's been an entirely different thing, though, since I've been a parent. I think Kate had one cold that lasted the entire winter when she was first born. Last Wednesday, she started getting congested. I knew it was coming. It came and spread quickly. By Saturday, Jackson was sneezing and snotty. Sunday afternoon (thankfully after the morning worship service), I started feeling it, too. Kraig, thus far, has managed to avoid it. Not sure how. Kate seems to be doing better and Jack really only has minor symptoms, thankfully. I think I've got it the worst, but life goes on when you're a Mommy. It's not been terrible, but it definitely impeded my progress on my goals list for last week. Here's last week's list. Red things got done. Yellow things got done most days. Black things are going back on the list for this week!

Last week's goals:
1) Dust the house towards the end of the week
2) Mop the kitchen/bathrooms (Friday or Saturday)
3) Vacuum as needed (and on Sunday)
4) Clean up the kitchen after meals/before bed
5) No computer time until Kate's naptime (yes, I'm breaking this now)
6) Pump breastmilk at least once a day to stock the freezer with
7) Cook chicken for the freezer and make stock to freeze (Wednesday)
8) Prep the menu and grocery list for next week
9) Bake cookies for Sunday night teen life groups (Saturday or Sunday)
10) Do one load of laundry per day, start to finish
11) Sort through the kids clothes, putting away the ones that are out of season or the wrong size
12) Work on Kraig's birthday stuff
13) Read to both kids everyday
14) Do something artsy with Kate everyday
15) Potty training!
16) No more snacks after 8pm
17) Get some exercise at least twice

This week's list is similar.

This week's goals:
1) Dust the house towards the end of the week
2) Mop the kitchen/bathrooms (Friday or Saturday)
3) Vacuum as needed (and on Sunday)
4) Clean up the kitchen after meals/before bed
5) No computer time until Kate's naptime (yes, I'm breaking this now)
6) Pump breast milk at least once a day to stock the freezer with
7) Prep the menu and grocery list for next week
8) Bake cookies for Sunday night teen life groups (Saturday or Sunday)
9) Do one load of laundry per day, start to finish
10) Sort through the kids clothes, putting away the ones that are out of season or the wrong size
11) Finish Kraig's birthday stuff--it's Saturday!
12) Read to both kids everyday
13) Do something artsy with Kate everyday
14) Potty training--once she feels better
15) No more snacks after 8pm
16) Get some exercise at least twice

Hopefully this week's list goes better!! If you made a list last week, how did it go?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New Year's Resolution?

I know I'm a little late, but I've got to make a change. I'll admit it. I hate housework. I hate laundry. Unless I have motivation, like the knowledge that someone is coming over, I don't always make much of an effort. Sure, the clutter in the living room drives me crazy, so we clean up the toys one hundred times a day. Sure, I have to have clean clothes, so eventually I do laundry. But there's not much routine. I follow a blog/website called MoneySavingMom. There's lots of great practical advice for parenting and running a household, etc. One of the things she's been doing is writing out her list of weekly goals. She also shares her top five goals of the day on Facebook. Does she always get them done? No. Makes me feel good, but it also has inspired me to do the same. So here goes:

This week's goals:
1) Dust the house towards the end of the week
2) Mop the kitchen/bathrooms (Friday or Saturday)
3) Vacuum as needed (and on Sunday)
4) Clean up the kitchen after meals/before bed
5) No computer time until Kate's naptime (yes, I'm breaking this now)
6) Pump breastmilk at least once a day to stock the freezer with
7) Cook chicken for the freezer and make stock to freeze (Wednesday)
8) Prep the menu and grocery list for next week
9) Bake cookies for Sunday night teen life groups (Saturday or Sunday)
10) Do one load of laundry per day, start to finish
11) Sort through the kids clothes, putting away the ones that are out of season or the wrong size
12) Work on Kraig's birthday stuff
13) Read to both kids everyday
14) Do something artsy with Kate everyday
15) Potty training!
16) No more snacks after 8pm
17) Get some exercise at least twice

Today's top 5 goals:
1) Potty training
2) Read to the kiddos
3) Art time with Kate
4) Cook chicken and make stock
5) Clean the kitchen