Thursday, May 19, 2011

Oh the drama!

I found out yesterday that I failed my glucose test. The lady from my OB's office called to tell me I had gestational diabetes. Wasn't expecting that. I have four prescriptions I need to pick up at the pharmacy for testing supplies and I have a four hour gestational diabetes management class on Tuesday. On top of it all, because of the "complication," I can no longer see my midwife. I have to see one of the other doctors in the practice. It's a little disappointing to get through 2/3 of your pregnancy and suddenly have someone different to see. Oh well. Out of my hands.

I had an ultrasound this morning, since I'm measuring large. And large he is! I'm 27 weeks, 3 days today, but he's measuring at 30 weeks, 3 days. I'm sure it has to do with the gestational diabetes issue, but I'm not sure what all it means in terms of due date and delivery. I don't actually get to see the doctor until Monday. IF they moved my due date up three weeks, I'd be due on Kate's due date. If I had him at the "new" 37 weeks, that would be 6 1/2 weeks from now. Surely that's not how it's going to work out, but holy cow. He'll be here before we know it!

I was pretty upset about the diagnosis yesterday, but I'm feeling better today. I know that it's going to be well monitored and controlled, which is the best thing for me and Jackson. I'm not thrilled about poking myself multiple times a day, but I know it's what's best. I'll still have a healthy baby and rest of my pregnancy as long as I take this seriously and get it under control. No biggie. Plenty of people have dealt with this. I'm just ready to have my class so I can really understand a little more about it and get the process rolling. Right now, I feel like I'm in the dark.

Oh yes, and Jack weighs approximately 3lbs 6 oz. That's all the more weight I've gained this pregnancy. Pretty crazy!

In other news, I get my "new" cloth diapers today! Pictures coming!


  1. Glad you're approaching it as just something you have to deal with. You know you can always call me to vent if needed! Take good care of you and Jackson, that's all that matters!

  2. so sorry to heard about the diabetes :( but I know what it's like to be poked everyday. Hope everything goes good for you, baby Jack will be here before you know it!

  3. Take care! I'm sure that is a daunting diagnosis (don't know much about it). I hope your class is super helpful and you're feeling in-control by the time it's over. And we know that He works ALL things out for the good of those who love Him! My mom and I always say "ALL means ALL!!!" :)

  4. I'm so sorry to hear this :( I'm praying for the rest of your pregnancy. Keep your chin up...turns in the pregnancy can be so discouraging.
