Friday, July 29, 2011

Another appointment down...

Yesterday was my weekly appointment at the doctor's office. I'm 75% effaced, but not dilated yet. At this point, I've been pregnant for two days longer than I was with Kate. I'm only 37 weeks, 4 days. We'll make it! If I don't have him by the 8th, they'll induce that day. Woohoo. I'd love to experience going into labor on my own, though, so hopefully it'll happen first. Kraig will be home from camp today, but VBS starts on Monday. I guess we'll see what happens! I've got lots of walking to do...if it ever cools down!


  1. Walk, girl, walk! :-) I think of you so often. Sending thoughts & prayers your way!

  2. Waiting for some good news... :-)
