Regardless, that's the worst of my symptoms right now, and I feel truly blessed. I can't imagine what it's like to go through morning sickness (or all-day sickness). I'm also blessed that Kate still takes two naps most days, so I can usually snag at least an hour of nap a day. It's a big help.
I'm supposed to be posting about maternity clothes this time around, but I wasn't really feeling it today. Maybe next time!! Though, I do have a fantastic kid product to rave about. Before Christmas, Kate had suddenly decided that she did not want or need to take baths anymore. Bath time became a huge challenge just to keep her in the tub, let alone get her clean. It was something we dreaded. Then came Christmas. Kate got this fantastic tub toy, and it's like a switch flipped.

It's a motorized faucet toy that suction cups to the side of the tub. Water runs out and through a variety of different cups that filter out water in different ways. When water runs out of the green one, the propeller spins. She loves it! Now we can't get her out of the tub. She wants to take baths all the time. She wants to stay in and play until she's well beyond pruny. It's amazing.
I know it's not made for infants, but it's such a cool thing that I wanted to share. I wish we'd had one sooner.
How I'm feeling...I think we've established that I'm tired. That's pretty much it.
Next time? I'm not making any promises!
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