The common cold. It's always such a joy when this time of the year comes around, and I get a cold. It's been an entirely different thing, though, since I've been a parent. I think Kate had one cold that lasted the entire winter when she was first born. Last Wednesday, she started getting congested. I knew it was coming. It came and spread quickly. By Saturday, Jackson was sneezing and snotty. Sunday afternoon (thankfully
after the morning worship service), I started feeling it, too.
Kraig, thus far, has managed to avoid it. Not sure how. Kate seems to be doing better and Jack really only has minor symptoms, thankfully. I think I've got it the worst, but life goes on when you're a Mommy. It's not been terrible, but it definitely impeded my progress on my goals list for last week. Here's last week's list. Red things got done. Yellow things got done most days. Black things are going back on the list for this week!
Last week's goals:
1) Dust the house towards the end of the week2) Mop the kitchen/bathrooms (Friday or Saturday)
3) Vacuum as needed (and on Sunday)4) Clean up the kitchen after meals/before bed5) No computer time until Kate's naptime (yes, I'm breaking this now)6) Pump breastmilk at least once a day to stock the freezer with7) Cook chicken for the freezer and make stock to freeze (Wednesday)8) Prep the menu and grocery list for next week9) Bake cookies for Sunday night teen life groups (Saturday or Sunday)
10) Do one load of laundry per day, start to finish
11) Sort through the kids clothes, putting away the ones that are out of season or the wrong size
12) Work on Kraig's birthday stuff13) Read to both kids everyday14) Do something artsy with Kate everyday15) Potty training!16) No more snacks after 8pm
17) Get some exercise at least twice
This week's list is similar.
This week's goals:
1) Dust the house towards the end of the week
2) Mop the kitchen/bathrooms (Friday or Saturday)
3) Vacuum as needed (and on Sunday)
4) Clean up the kitchen after meals/before bed
5) No computer time until Kate's
naptime (yes, I'm breaking this now)
6) Pump breast milk at least once a day to stock the freezer with
7) Prep the menu and grocery list for next week
8) Bake cookies for Sunday night teen life groups (Saturday or Sunday)
9) Do one load of laundry per day, start to finish
10) Sort through the kids clothes, putting away the ones that are out of season or the wrong size
11) Finish
Kraig's birthday stuff--it's Saturday!
12) Read to both kids everyday
13) Do something artsy with Kate everyday
14) Potty training--once she feels better
15) No more snacks after 8pm
16) Get some exercise at least twice
Hopefully this week's list goes better!! If you made a list last week, how did it go?